
Monday, March 1, 2010

Topic 8;;

Task One:
What are some of the potential hazards at your service learning placement? This may not be a simple question for some of you who do not work with dangerous machinery or lift heavy objects. This does not mean hazards do not exist. Think hard, and explain the ways that an employee may become injured on the job. Think long and short term. Your response should be a full paragraph.

wearing gloves in the places needed because, other people in the hospital might be sick and if you dont wear gloves then they might have something that is contagouse and you could get it or you could spreed it around and get other people sick and then if you have gloves on then you want get the germs because there not on your hand there on the glove and you thorow the gloves away after you use them so therefore there gone. So thats why it is very important to use gloves in places where sick people are.

Task Two: Review OSHA's Safety and Health Topics for a safety issue you might experience at your service learning placement. Once you have searched for a topic, you should have found a few articles relating to your search. Read one. Explain what you learned with 2-3 paragraphs. You might explain how what you learn pertains to you and the other people who share your workplace. If you cannot think of a topic, ask your friendly instructor for help.

the paragraph talked about how you should be careful in a hospital because it is very dagrous because there is alot of stuff like medicine and Hazard Communication.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Topic 6;;

Task one::
1. wake up
2. get ready for school
3. brush my teeth
4.get in the car
5. leave alittle early just in case something happens if something happen
7. use them when they are really needed

Task two::
Understanding where your time goes:
Keep a time log of how long certain activities take you. Write down each thing you do in the mornings before coming to school or to your service learning site. Determine which of these items could be done faster or at the same time. You may find you waste time in ways you do not even realize.

you should be on time to school so you dont get counted out.

Topic 9;;

Task one::
Click on "Attitudes" and read the poem by Charles Swindoll.

Task two::
1. Take a few minutes to reflect and examine your attitude. Write a paragraph giving an accurate assessment of your attitude. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life? Give specific examples.

Answer:my attitude is not very good when i get mad. like when someone makes me mad i dont controll it i just let all my anger out and take everything out on one person because when someone gets smart with me i dont take it very lightly because i just gives me a reason to do the same to them.

2. Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples.

Answer:when im at a job or service learning i never get an attitude because theres no one there thats going to do something wrong like for instants your friend trying to get with your boyfriend there not going to do that. they might make you mad because they try to help you with something you thought you was doing good at but other then that its not very good to get an attitude at a job of service learning place

3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

Answer:Attitudes from others i really dont let them bother me because they can have an attitude i can to so it goes both ways

Topic 3;;

Task one;;
im not always prepared for class sometimes i dont have my pen or paper and i have to borrow some i need to get bettter at that so i want have no doubts about me and my work

Task two;;
1.)how to take notes
to take good notes you need to have pen or paper and a note book or something to keep your notes in so you dont lose them. good notes is when you can actually go back and study and actually take a test and say hey all this was on my notes good notes gets you great grades to

2.)combating procrastination
Things that i can do to stop procrastinating is try to get myself in to mood to do what has to be done if I have questions ask my teacher make sure I have my materials dont be lazy and try to stay positive and actually work as hard as i can.


Task one;;
I know proper cell phone use but I could help myself a little it said I would embarrass my self on a quit bus which means I probley talk really loud. so therefore I would need to keep my voice down and probley not even use my phone, And I surely shouldnt use my phone in places where they are not alowed. because if there not alowed at that area theres a reason for that.

Task two;;
you should not use your cell phone in a place where they are not allowed. its not the best thing to do because if something says no cell phone used here then that means there is a reason for not using your cell phone there so it would be best not to use your cell phone where it says not to

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Topic 1;;

Task one;;
My biggest area i need to wrok on is Developing Good Study Habits because i don't like taking note or listening to what others are saying i don't take notes but i should start because it helps me better. because when i look at it and write it down i remember it more than just listening to it. because when you write it down you can go back and look at it and when you dont write it down you have nothing to go back and look at so therefore i should start writting stuff down and listening better so i can be successful.

Task two;;
i thank a positive additude should be on the list because you have to have a good additude to be successful because if you dont have a positive additude then you want be successful because you want, want to do right and if you dont want to do right but a possitive additude will help alot it helps you reach more goals.